It’s a wonderful time of year. It’s the time of year where you get to nitpick your life in excruciating detail. It’s almost the darkest night of the year. With that in mind, let’s dive in to the stats.
Weddings: 1
I mean, sort of a wedding. We went to Australia to see Jen’s family and give them a chance to experience a wedding reception for themselves.
I don’t have any good photos of the day itself, so you’ll have to settle for a ridiculous selfie.
Next year: no weddings.
Jobs: 3
I’ve had a good run of work this year. It’s a bit of a balancing act. The gigs have had difficult objectives and tough environments, but I’ve been glad to grow my CV beyond vague “discovery” and user research experience. I didn’t ragequit anything, but I did work out a lot of what I want and don’t want from the work that I do. I’ve settled on a formula I’m trying out: 4 days a week and an increase in non-work hobbies. Which leads to…
DPhil: possible
I got some funding for a doctorate on civic technology, answering to Democracy Club and Oxford’s anthropology department. I’m unreasonably excited by this. Mostly because HAVE YOU SEEN AN OXFORD DPHIL ROBE??
Health: patchy
Diabetes is good(ish). My Freestyle Libre continues to be an absolutely amazing bit of tech. It would be improved by having an Android app that doesn’t brick them. It often feels with diabetes that you’re | — -| this close to a functional cure. A closed loop system that links your blood sugar readings with an insulin delivery system. Really hoping that it’s soon.
He’s well.
Next year has a lot going for it. I really want to try and find a good job that I don’t need the train for, and I want to get my literature review started. I want to take some better photos, although this year’s were pretty good. I want to be less self critical, but also more self-aware. Thanks to everyone who helped with this year, talked to me on twitter when I was glum, went for lunch or a pint, and helped me through bad jobs or turning 31. See you in January.